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All legislation introduced into the Navajo Nation Council’s legislative process are required to be posted to the Council’s official website. Included here are legislation as they are introduced by Council delegates. Subsequent amendments, committee actions, public comment reports, and related updates to the legislative packets are recorded on the Council’s Diné Bibeehaz’áanii Binaaltsoos legislation tracking system online at: http://dibb.nnols.org/.


Eligible for Committee Action Beginning December 06, 2023

Legislation 0259-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee and the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Navajo Nation President’s Appointment of Sean McCabe, C.P.A. as the Controller of the Navajo Nation

Legislation 0258-23

An Action Relating to The Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Amending CO-80-23 and CAP-15-23, The Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Germaine Simonson’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Hard Rock, Forest Lake, Pinon, Black Mesa, Whippoorwill), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning December 05, 2023

Legislation 0257-23

An Action Relating to The Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Amending NABIO-27-23 and CMY-36-23, The Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Curtis Yanito’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Mexican Water, To’likan, Tees Nos Pos, Aneth, Red Mesa), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning December 04, 2023

Legislation 0256-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Amending CD-61-22 and CAP-09-23 and CMY-40-23, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Vince R. James’ Delegate Region (Chapters: Jeddito, Cornfields, Ganado, Kinlichee, Steamboat), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Legislation 0255-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Overriding the Navajo Nation President’s Veto of Navajo Nation Council Resolution No. CO-85-23 (An Act Amending Title 26 of the Navajo Nation Code to Allow for Virtual Attendance at Chapter Meetings)

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning December 03, 2023

Legislation 0254-23

An Action Relating to the Law and Order Committee and the Budget and Finance Committee; Approving the Fund Management Plan for the Fire and Rescue Services Fund

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning November 27, 2023

Legislation 0253-23

An Action Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services Committee; Approving the Navajo Head Start Conversion Request Plan

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning November 21, 2023

Legislation 0252-23

An Action Relating to The Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Supporting United States Senate Bill 3561 and House Resolution 1855, Reauthorizing the Federal Indian Health Services Special Diabities Program for Indians

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning November 15, 2023

Legislation 0251-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development and Budget and Finance Committees; Accepting the Internal Audit of the Gadii’ahi/To’koi Chapter and Approving the Chapter’s Proposed Corrective Action Plan

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning November 13, 2023

Legislation 0250-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee, the Health, Education and Human Services Committee, The Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $500,000 from the Síhasin Fund to Utah State University Towards a New Education Building Located in Monument Valley; Approving the Related Expenditure Plan


Eligible for Committee Action Beginning November 07, 2023

Legislation 0249-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Amending NABIO-38-23 and CJY-67-23, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable George H. Tolth’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Littlewater, Pueblo Pintado, Torreon, Whitehorse Lake, Baca/Prewitt, Casamero Lake, Ojo Encino, Counselor), to Include Additional Projects for the Delegate Region



Eligible for Committee Action Beginning October 31, 2023

Legislation 0248-23

An Action Relating to Health, Education and Human Services Committee; Amending and Approving the Navajo Division of General Services Master Plan of Operation

Legislation 0247-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development and Budget and Finance Committees; Accepting the Audit of the Tsidi To’ii (Birdsprings) Chapter and Approving the Chapter’s Proposed Corrective Action Plan

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning October 30, 2023

Legislation 0246-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance, Resources and Development, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and to the Navajo Nation Council; Amending CMY-54-18 to Extend Through Crop Year 2028 the Síhasin Fund Guarantee for the Navajo Nation’s Annual Premiums for the “Rainfall Index Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage Pilot Insurance Program” Administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning October 29, 2023

Legislation 0245-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Amending CJY-50-23 and CAP-12-23 the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Norman M. Begay’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Alamo Ramah, Tohajiilee), to Remove a Project and Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning October 24, 2023

Legislation 0244-23

An Action Relating to Health, Education and Human Services, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees; Approving and Authorizing a Contract Between the Navajo Nation and the United States Department of the Interior Under 25 U.S.C § 5301 ET SEQ. (P.L. 93-638, as Amended) for a Three-Year Term for the Johnson O’Malley Program; Beginning January 1, 2024 Through December 31, 2026; Approving and Authorizing the Annual Funding Agreement and Scope of Work for the Period of the Contract Term

Legislation 0243-23

An Action Relating to Health, Education and Human Services, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees; Supporting and Approving Navajo Health Foundation- Sage Memorial Hospital, INC.’s Acceptance of the Produce Prescription Pilot Program (P4) Grant Awarded by the United States Department of Health and Human Services Indian Health Services

Legislation 0242-23

An Action Relating to Resources and Development; Approving the Diné College Lease for 1182.11 Acres, More or Less, of Navajo Nation Trust Lands, Located within the Wheatfields/Tsaile Chapter Vicinity, Navajo Nation (Apache County, Arizona)

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning October 23, 2023

Legislation 0241-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Amending CJY-64-23, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan Honorable Carl R. Slater’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Tsaile/Wheatfields, Lukachukai, Round Rock, Tséch’izhí, Rock Point), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Emergency Legislation - Not Subject to 5 Day Public Comment Period

Legislation 0240-23

An Action Relating to an Emergency for the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $50,000 from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance (“UUFB”) for the Lexington Hotel Homeless Shelter to Continue its Operations; Waiving Certain Provisions of the FY2024 Budget Instructions Manual to Allow for Direct Payment

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning October 22, 2023

Legislation 0239-23

An Action Relating to Health, Education and Human Services and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees; Approving and Authorizing a Contract Between the Navajo Nation and the United States Department of the Interior Under 25 U.S.C. § 5301 et seq. (P.L. 93-638, as Amended) for a Three-Year Term for the Johnson O’Malley Program; Beginning January 1, 2024 Through December 31, 2026; Approving and Authorizing the Annual Funding Agreement and Scope of Work for the Period of the Contract Term

Legislation 0238-23

An Action Relating to Law and Order, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees; Approving and Authorizing a Contract Between the Navajo Nation and the United States Department of Health and Human Services Under 25 U.S.C § 5301 et seq. (P.L 93-638, as Amended) on Behalf of the Navajo Nation for a Six Year Term for the Period Beginning January 1, 2024 Through December 31, 2029 for Emergency Medical Services; Approving and Authorizing the Annual Funding Agreement and Scope of Work for the Contract Term

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning October 12, 2023

Legislation 0237-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Amending CJY-55-23 and CAP-19-23 and CD-68-22, The Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Andy Nez, Ph.D.’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Crystal, Fort Defiance, Red Lake, Sawmill), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Legislation 0236-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Supporting United States Senate Bill 2970 and House Resolution 5822, Replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Legislation 0235-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Supporting Advanced Appropriations and Mandatory Funding for the Indian Health Service

Legislation 0234-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development Committee and Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Supporting the Re-Authorization and Funding of the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning October 11, 2023

Legislation 0233-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Amending CJY-53-23 and CAP-20-23, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Nathan Notah’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Coyote Canyon, Mexican Springs, Naschitti, Tohatchi, Bahastl’a’a’), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning October 09, 2023

Legislation 0232-23

An Action Relating to the Health, Education, and Human Services Committee, The Budget and Finance Committee, the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $2,130,804 From the Síhasin Fund for Coyote Canyon Rehabilitation Center, Inc. for New Modular Building and Infrastructure; Approving the Related Expenditure Plan

Legislation 0231-23

An Action Relating to the Health, Education, and Human Services Committee, The Budget and Finance Committee, the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council: Approving $3,000,000 From the Síhasin Fund to Navajo Preparatory School for a New Student Housing Building; Approving the Related Expenditure Plan

Legislation 0230-23

An Action Relating to the Budget & Finance Committee, the Resources and Development Committee and the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Amending Exhibit A to Resolution NO. CJA-01-21 to Change the Sawmill Chapter’s 1-Ton Truck Purchase to Other Equipment


Eligible for Committee Action Beginning October 04, 2023

Legislation 0229-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Approving the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Rickie Nez’s Delegate Region (Chapters: T’iistoh Sikaad, Nenahnezad, Upper Fruitland, Tse’ Daa’ Kaan, Newcomb, San Juan)

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning September 28, 2023

Legislation 0228-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee; Supporting United States Senate Bill S.1751 and House Bill H.R. 4426, Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Amendment of 2023

Legislation 0227-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee; Amending CAU-75-23 and CJY-57-23 and CD-67-22, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Amber Kanazbah Crotty’s Delegate Region (Chapters; Cove, Toadlena/Two Grey Hills, Red Valley, Tooh Haltsooi’, Tse’Alnaozt’I’I’, Beclabito, Gahiiahi/To’koi), To include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Legislation 0226-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee; Amending CMY-36-23, The Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Cutis Yanito’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Mexican Water, To’Likan, Tees Nos Pos, Aneth, Red Mesa), To Include Additional Projects for This Delegate Region

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning September 27, 2023

Legislation 0225-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Concurring with the Navajo Nation President to Accept a Donation of $2,000.00 from Williams J. Bartley and a Donation of $2,000.00 from Moze and Mary Meeker to the Office of Navajo Nation Scholarship and Financial Assistance for the Benefit of Navajo Students Pursuing Postsecondary Education

Legislation 0224-23

An Action Relating to the Resource and Development Committee, Certifying Manuelito Chapter’s Community-Based Land Use Plan

Legislation 0223-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development Committee; Confirming the Appointment of Benjamin Bennett to the Navajo Engineering and Construction Authority Board of Directors

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning September 21, 2023

Legislation 0222-23

An Action Relating to Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Confirming the Appointment of Mr. Marcus Denetdale to Serve on the Navajo Housing Authority Board of Commissioners to Fill the 6 N.N.C. § 606 (B) Position of the “Construction Management or Engineering or Business Management or Equivalent Field Experience with Background in Indian Housing or Federal Housing”

Legislation 0221-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development Committee; Amending Resolution RDCAU-32-20 “Rescinding Resolution No. RDCD-105-18; and Approving the Grant of Right-of-Way and Leases to Arcadian Infracom, Located on Navajo Nation Trust Lands on the Navajo Nation (Utah, Arizona and New Mexico)” to Rescind the Navajo Nation’s Consent to the “Development Rights” Provision

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning September 11, 2023

Legislation 0220-23

An Action Relating to the Resource and Development Committee and Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Supporting United States Senate Bill 1898, Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project Plan Amendments Act of 2023 Danny Simpson

Legislation 0219-23

An Action Relating to the Law and Order Committee and the Health, Education, and Human Services Committee; Approving Amendments to the Navajo Nation Child Support Guidelines and Child Support Schedule


Eligible for Committee Action Beginning September 05, 2023

Legislation 0218-23

An Action Relating to Health, Education and Human Services; Extending Approval Date for the 2024-2028 Navajo Nation School Board Apportionment Plan

Legislation 0217-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Confirming the Appointment of Derrick Watchman to the Navajo Nation Gaming Enterprises Board of Directors for a Four-Year Term

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning September 04, 2023

Legislation 0216-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Concurring with the Navajo Nation President to Accept a Donation of $15,000.00 to the Navajo Nation Boys and Girls Club of Diné Youth from the Boys and Girls Clubs of America’s Native American Endowment Fund.

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning September 03, 2023

Legislation 0215-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CJY-67-23, The Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegated Region Project Plan for Honorable George H. Tolth’s Delegated Region (Chapters: Littlewater, Pueblo Pintado, Torreon, Whitehorse lake, Baca/Prewitt, Casamero Lake, Ojo Encino, Counselor), To include additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning August 31, 2023

Legislation 0214-23

An Act Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee, the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Navajo Nation’s Comprehensive Budget for Fiscal Year 2024; Waiving Resolution No. CJY-66-23 and 12 N.N.C. § 820(F), § 820(I), § 820(O), § 820(B), and § 860


Legislation 0213-23

An Action Relating to an Emergency and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $3,000,000 from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance (“UUFB”) for 110 Chapters’ Emergency Fund Accounts; Waiving 12 N.N.C. § 820 (E) and § (F)

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning August 30, 2023

Legislation 0212-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Appointing the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee Representatives to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee Title II Reform Subcommittee

Legislation 0211-23

An Action Relating to Resources and Development Committee; Appointing the Resources and Development Committee Representatives to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee Title II Reform Subcommittee

Legislation 0210-23

An Action Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services Committee; Appointing the Health, Education and Human Services Committee Representatives to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee Title II Reform Subcommittee

Legislation 0209-23

An Action Relating to Budget and Finance Committee; Appointing the Budget and Finance Committee Representatives to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee Title II Reform Subcommittee

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning August 29, 2023

Legislation 0208-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CJY-65-23 and CMY-42-23, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Danny Simpson’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Becenti, Lake Valley, Nahodishgish, Standing Rock, Whiterock, Huerfano, Nageezi, Crownpoint), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning August 22, 2023

Legislation 0207-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and the Navajo Nation Council; Accepting the Audit Report Provided by KPMG, L.L.P Regarding the Navajo Nation’s Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2022

Legislation 0206-23

An Action Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees; Authorizing and Supporting the Navajo Nation Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services to Apply for the Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program: Implementation and Expansion Grants; Agreeing to Participate and Receive Services

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning August 17, 2023

Legislation 0205-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CJY-51-23 and CAP-21-23, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Herman M. Daniels, Jr.’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Tsah Bii Kin, Navajo Mountain, Shonto, Oljato) to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Legislation 0204-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Approving the Plan of Operation for the Navajo Nation Office of the Speaker of the Navajo Nation Council

Legislation 0203-23

An Act Relating to the Law and Order, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and the Navajo Nation Council; Amending the Navajo Nation Procurement Act at 12 N.N.C. §301-§371 and Amending the Navajo Nation Business Opportunity Act 5 N.N.C. §201-§215

Legislation 0202-23

An Act Relating to the Law and Order Committee, Resources and Development Committee, Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council; Amending Title 26 of the Navajo Nation Code to Allow for Virtual Attendance at Chapter Meetings

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning August 15, 2023

Legislation 0201-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CAP-08-23, The Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegated Region Project Plan for Honorable Casey Allen Johnson’s Delegated Region (Chapters: Cameron, Coalmine Canyon, Birdsprings, Leupp, Tolani Lake), To include additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Legislation 0200-23

An Action Relating to the Resource and Development, and Budget and Finance Committees; Accepting the Audit of Chichiltah Chapter and approve the Chapter’s proposed Corrective Action Plan

Legislation 0199-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CJY-57-23 and CD-67-22, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Amber Kanazbah Crotty’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Cove, Toadlena/Two Grey Hills, Red Valley, Tooh Haltsooi’ (Sheepsprings), Tse’alnaozt’i’i’, Beclabito, Gadiiahi/To’Koi), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning August 13, 2023

Legislation 0198-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Approving and Recommending to the Budget and Finance Committee the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Navajo Nation Executive Offices and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0197-23

An Action Relating to the Resource and Development, and Naabik’íyáti Committees; Confirming Sheyenne Lacy as the Appointed Shareholder Representative Appointed by the Speaker of the Navajo Nation Council to the Naat’áanii Development Corporation for a Term of Five Years


Eligible for Committee Action Beginning August 10, 2023

Legislation 0196-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending Council Resolutions CJY-41-21 and CJN-29-22; Delegating the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee as the Final Approval Authority for Delegate Region Project Plans Funded Through the Navajo Nation’s Fiscal Recovery Funds

Legislation 0195-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee; Approving and Recommending to the Budget and Finance Committee the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Navajo Nation Legislative Branch and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0194-23

An Action Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services Committee; Approving and Recommending to the Budget and Finance Committee the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Navajo Nation Department of Veterans Administration and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0193-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee; Approving and Recommending the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Office of Management and Budget and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s Fiscal Year 2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0192-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Rickie Nez’s Delegate Region (Chapters: T’iistoh Sikaad, Nenahnezad, Upper Fruitland, Tse’ Daa’ Kaan, Newcomb, San Juan)

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning August 09, 2023

Legislation 0191-23

An Action Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services Committee; Approving a Budget Modification; Increasing Fleet Management Department’s Business Unit Number 812003 in the Amount of $4,450,940 for a Total of $15,450,940

Legislation 0190-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee; Approving Amendments to the Navajo Nation Master Investment Policy to Establish a New Private Credit Asset Class

Legislation 0189-23

An Action Relating to Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Rescinding No. GSCF-2-92 and Approving Oversight Committee Budget Meeting Procedures

Legislation 0188-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee; Approving and Recommending the Fixed Cost allocations for Fiscal Year 2024 for Certain Navajo Nation Programs

Legislation 0187-23

An Action Relating to Health, Education and Human Services Committee; Rescinding Resolutions ECMAR-12-91 and HSCMA-13-96; Approving Oversight Committee Budget Meeting Procedures

Legislation 0186-23

An Action Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services Committee; Approving and Recommending to the Budget and Finance Committee the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Navajo Nation Division of Human Resources and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning August 08, 2023

Legislation 0185-23

An Action Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services Committee; Approving and Recommending to the Budget and Finance Committee the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Navajo Nation Department of Dine Education and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0184-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee; Approving and Recommending to the Budget and Finance Committee the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Office of the Navajo Tax Commission and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0183-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee; Approving and Recommending to the Budget and Finance Committee the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Navajo Nation Office of the Controller and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0182-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee; Approving and Recommending the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Navajo Nation Retirement Funds, the Department of Retirement Services, the Retirement Plan Administration Committee and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s Fiscal Year 2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0181-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee; Approving and Recommending the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Insurance Services Department, and other Programs and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0180-23

An Action Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services Committee; Approving and Recommending the Budget and Finance Committee the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Navajo Nation Department of Health and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0179-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee; Approving and Recommending the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Office of the Auditor General and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0178-23

An Action Relating to the Law and Order Committee; Approving and Recommending the Budget and Finance Committee the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Navajo Nation Office of Public Defender and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0177-23

An Action Relating to the Law and Order Committee; Approving and Recommending the Budget and Finance Committee the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Navajo Nation Ethics and Rules Office and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0176-23

An Action Relating to the Law and Order Committee; Approving and Recommending the Budget and Finance Committee the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Navajo Nation Division of Public Safety and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0175-23

An Action Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services Committee; Approving and Recommending the Budget and Finance Committee the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Division of Social Services and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0174-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development Committee; Approving and Recommending the Budget and Finance Committee the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Division of Transportation and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0173-23

An Action Relating to the Law and Order Committee; Approving and Recommending to the Budget and Finance Committee the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Labor Commission and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0172-23

An Action Relating to the Law and Order Committee; Approving and Recommending to the Budget and Finance Committee the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Navajo Nation Department of Justice and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0171-23

An Action Relating to Law and Order Committee; Approving the Oversight Committee Budget Meeting Procedures

Legislation 0170-23

An Action Relating to Law and Order Committee; Approving and Recommending to the Budget and Finance Committee the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Judicial Branch and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0169-23

An Action Relating to Law and Order Committee; Approving and Recommending to the Budget and Finance Committee the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Office of Hearing and Appeal and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0168-23

An Action Relating to the Resource and Development Committee; Approving and Recommending to the Budget and Finance Committee the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Division of Natural Resources and Related Matters, to be included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0167-23

An Action Relating to the Resource and Development Committee; Approving and Recommending to the Budget and Finance Committee the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Navajo Environmental Protection Agency and Related Matters, to be included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0166-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development Committee; Approving and Recommending to the Budget and Finance Committee the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Navajo Gaming Regulatory Office and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning August 07, 2023

Legislation 0165-23

An Action Relating to the Resource and Development Committee; Approving and Recommending to the Budget and Finance Committee the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Division of Community Development and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0164-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development Committee; Approving and Recommending to the Budget and Finance Committee the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Division of Economic Development and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0163-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee; Rescinding Resolution No. BFS-52-05 and Approving New Procedures for Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Meetings

Legislation 0162-23

An Action Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services Committee; Approving and Recommending to the Budget and Finance Committee the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for the Division of General Services and Related Matters, to be Included in the Navajo Nation’s FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

JULY 2023

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning August 02, 2023

Legislation 0161-23

An Action Relating to Resources and Development Committee; Confirming the Navajo Nation President’s Appointment of Mr. LoRenzo C. Bates to the Navajo Nation Water Rights Commission as the Northern Agency Commissioner

Legislation 0160-23

An Action Relating to Resource and Development: Rescinding RCJN-86-01, EDCAU-60-03, and EDCJY-35-09; and, Approving Oversight Committee Budget Meeting Procedures

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning July 30, 2023

Legislation 0159-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CMY-39-23 and CAP-11-23, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Steven R. Arviso’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Churchrock, Iyanbito, Mariano Lake, Pinedale, Smith Lake, Thoreau), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Legislation 0158-23

An Action Relating to Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council: Amending CAP-15-23, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Germaine Simonson’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Hard Rock, Forest Lake, Pinon, Black Mesa, Whippoorwill), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Emergency Legislation - Not Subject to 5 Day Comment Period

Legislation 0157-23

An Action Relating to an Emergency for the Navajo Nation; Relating to the Navajo Nation Council; Amending Council Resolutions CJY-41-21 and CJN-29-22; Authorizing the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee to have Final Approval Authority for Projects using the Navajo Nation’s Fiscal Recovery Funds

Legislation 0156-23

An Action Relating to an Emergency and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Purchase of Property Offered for Sale to the Navajo Nation By the Owners of Goulding’s Monument Valley Lodge and Tours, Monument Valley, Utah; Approving the Expenditure of Fund Principal of the Land Acquisition Trust Fund to Purchase the Property; And Approving a Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity; And , Directing that Navajo Nation Hospitality Enterprise is to Be Self-Sufficient and Self-Sustaining  in its Operation of the Property

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning July 23, 2023

Legislation 0155-23

An Action Relating to The Budget and Finance Committee, The Resources and Development Committee, the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, and to The Navajo Nation Council; Approving $296,211 from the Síhasin Fund for a New Motor Grader for Pinedale Chapter: Approving the Related Expenditure Plan

Legislation 0154-23

An Action Relating to The Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Requesting the United States Postal Services to Establish a Post Office in the Torreon/Star Lake Chapter

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning July 18, 2023

Legislation 0153-23

An Action Relating to the Health, Education, and Human Services Committee; Confirming the Reappointment of Nona Lou Etsitty to the Navajo Nation Labor Commission

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning July 16, 2023

Legislation 0152-23

An Action Relating to Health Education and Human Services Committee and Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Supporting Arizona House Bill 2800 Titled “An Act Amending Section 15-189.05. Arizona Revised Statutes: Amending Title 15. Chapter 2, Article 2, Arizona Revised Statues, By Adding Section 15-248.01; Amending Sections 15-747 and 15-903, Arizona Revised Statues, by Adding Section 41-5706; Appropriating Monies; Relating to Public Schools.”

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning July 13, 2023

Legislation 0151-23

An Action Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services Committee; Approving the Navajo Head Start Eligibility, Recruitment, Enrollment, Selection, & Attendance Policy and Procedures and the Navajo Head Start Family Engagement Partnership Process Policy and Procedures

Legislation 0150-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable George H. Tolth’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Littlewater, Pueblo Pintado, Torreon, Whitehorse Lake, Baca/Prewitt, Casamero Lake, Ojo Encino, Counselor)

Legislation 0149-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CD-69-22 and the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Cherilyn Yazzie’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Dilkon, Indian Wells, Teesto, Whitecone, Greasewood Springs)

Legislation 0148-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CAP-19-23 and CD-68-22, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Andy Nez, Ph.D.’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Crystal, Fort Defiance, Red Lake, Sawmill), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning July 12, 2023

Legislation 0147-23

An Act Relating to the Law and Order Committee, Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council; Amending Title 2 of the Navajo Nation Code to Codify Virtual Attendance by Council Delegates at Standing Committee Meetings and Navajo Nation Council Sessions

Legislation 0146-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee, the Health, Education, and Human Services Committee, the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $2,500,000 from the Síhasin Fund to Utah State University for a New Education Building in Monument Valley; Approving the Related Expenditure Plan

Legislation 0145-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CD-67-22, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Amber Kanazbah Crotty’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Cove, Toadlena/Two Grey Hills, Red Valley, Tooh Haltsooi’ (Sheepsprings), Tse’ alnaozt’i’i’, Beclabito, Gadiiahi/To’Koi, to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

JUNE 2023

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning July 04, 2023

Legislation 0144-23

An Action Relating to Resources and Development; Approving the Fiscal Year 2024 Navajo Nation Housing Plan for the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) Indian Housing Block Grant Funding

Legislation 0143-23

An Action Relating to Resources and Development; Confirming Melissa Begay, M.D., to Serve on the Navajo Agricultural Products Industry Board of Directors for a Term of Three Years Representing Chinle Agency

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning July 03, 2023

Legislation 0142-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee; Accepting the Controller’s FY2024 General Fund Revenue Projections; Approving the FY2024 Budget Instructions Manual and other Actions Related to the FY2024 Comprehensive Budget

Legislation 0141-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and to the Navajo Nation Council; Amending Resolution No. CF-05-23 to Remove the Funds Reversion Deadline for the Ganado Fire District Emergency Vehicle Expenditure Plan

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning July 02, 2023

Legislation 0140-23

An Action Relating to Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CMY-41-23, The Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Lomardo Aseret’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Klagetoh, Wide Ruins, Houck, Lupton, Nahata Dziil), To Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning June 29, 2023

Legislation 0139-23

An Act Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services, Law and Order, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees and the Navajo Nation Council; Repealing 9 N.N.C. § 2(C) of the Diné Marriage Act of 2005, to Uniformly Recognize All Marriages Within the Navajo Nation; and Amending Other Provisions in Title 9 of the Navajo Nation Code Related to Marriage Within the Navajo Nation

Legislation 0138-23

An Action Relating to Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Approving the Appointments by the Speaker of the Navajo Nation Council of Select Members of the 25th Navajo Nation Council to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee’s State Task Force Subcommittee

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning June 28, 2023

Legislation 0137-23

An Action Relating to Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, Approving and Adopting the Legislative Priorities of The Navajo Nation Relating to the State of New Mexico

Legislation 0136-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development and Budget and Finance Committees; Accepting the Audit of the Counselor Chapter and Approving the Chapter’s Proposed Corrective Action Plan

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning June 27, 2023

Legislation 0135-23

An Action Relating to Resource and Development and Budget and Finance Committees; Accepting the Audit of the Klagetoh Chapter and Approving the Chapter’s Proposed Corrective Action Plan

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning June 21, 2023

Legislation 0134-23

An Action Relating to The Health Education and Human Services Committee, Budget and Finance Committee, Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, and Navajo Nation Council; Extending the CF-07-11 Designation of Savings from Personnel Accounts as Restricted Carryover Funds to be Used for Administering and Maintaining the Classification and Pay  Plans; Extending the CF-07-11 Moratorium on Budget Revisions and/or Re-Allocations using Savings from the General Fund Personnel Accounts; Establishing the Personnel Savings Fund

Legislation 0133-23

An Action Relating to The Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CMY-42-23, The Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Danny Simpson’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Becenti, Lake Valley, Nahodishgish, Standing Rock, Whiterock, Huerfano, Nageezi, Crownpoint), To Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning June 20, 2023

Legislation 0132-23

An Action Relating to Law and Order Committee; Appointing the Law and Order Committee Representatives to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee Title II Reform Subcommittee

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning June 19, 2023

Legislation 0131-23

An Action Relating to Resources and Development; Approving the Grant of Right-of-Way to the Utah Department of Transportation for the Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Highway SR 162 from Montezuma Creek to Aneth Located on Navajo Nation Trust Lands in Aneth Chapter (San Juan County, Utah); and, Waiving the Requirement of Bonds, Insurance or Alternative Form of Security Based Pursuant to Title 25 Code of Federal Regulations Section 169.103(f)(2)

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning June 15, 2023

Legislation 0130-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and to the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $5,000,000 from the Síhasin Fund to Navajo EPA for the Assessment and Remediation of Environmental Damage from Former Lumber Processing Operations at the Red Lake and Sawmill Chapters; Approving the Related Expenditure Plan

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning June 14, 2023

Legislation 0129-23

An Action Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services Committee, The Law and Order Committee, and the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Appointing Members to the Missing Murdered Diné Relatives Task Force Per NABIN-36-22

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning June 12, 2023

Legislation 0128-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Carl R. Slater’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Tsaile/Wheatfields, Lukachukai, Round Rock, Tséch’izhí, Rock Point)

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning June 11, 2023

Legislation 0127-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CAP-20-23, The Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delated Region Project Plan for Honorable Nathan Notah’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Coyote Canyon, Mexican Springs, Naschitti, Tohatchi, Bahastl’a’a’), To include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning June 08, 2023

Legislation 0126-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Seth Damon’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Baahaali, Chichiltah, Manuelito, Red Rock, Rock Springs, Tsayatoh)

Legislation 0125-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CD-62-22 and the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Crystalyne Curley’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Tachee/Blue Gap, Many Farms, Nazlini, Tselani/Cottonwood, Low Mountain)

MAY 2023

Emergency Legislation - Not Subject to 5 Day Public Comment Period

Legislation 0124-23

An Action Relating to an Emergency for the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $2,439,257 from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance (“UUFB”) for the Office of the President/Vice-President, the Office of the Controller, and the Five DALTCS Agency Offices, to Cover Program Expenses for the Remainder of FY2023; Waiving 12 N.N.C § 820(E), § 820(F), § 820(J), and § 820(L) to Allow Use of the UUFB for Recurring Expenses

Legislation 0123-23

An Action Relating to an Emergency and the Navajo Nation Council; Opposing H.R. 3746, “Fiscal Responsibility Act Of 2023” as Written; Urging the United States Congress to Amend H.R. 3746 to Protect the Availability of COVID Related Funding and Unobligated Funds to Tribes and Tribal Programs

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning June 01, 2023

Legislation 0122-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CAP-21-23, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Herman M. Daniels, Jr.’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Tsah Bii Kin, Navajo Mountain, Shonto, Oljato), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Legislation 0120-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CAP-12-23, The Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Norman M. Begay’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Alamo, Ramah, Tohajiilee), To Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Emergency Legislation - Not Subject to 5 Day Public Comment Period

Legislation 0121-23

An Action Relating to an Emergency and the Navajo Nation Council; Opposing H.R. 2811, “Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023”; Urging the United States Congress to Amend H.R. 2811 §§ 201-202 to Protect Spending Cuts to Tribal Programs

Legislation 0119-23

An Action Relating to an Emergency; Approving $833,532 From the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund (“UUFB”) For the Navajo Department of Emergency Management, Chinle Chapter, and Nazlini Chapter for Expenses Arising out of Flooding in and Around Chinle Chapter; Waiving 12 N.N.C.§820(E), §820(F), §820(J), and §820(L) To Allow use of UUFB Funds for Recurring Expenses

Legislation 0118-23

An Action Relating to an Emergency; Approving $5,790,917 From the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund (“UUFB”) to Dine College, Navajo Technical University, Navajo Preparatory School, INC., and Phoenix Indian Center

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning May 31, 2023

Legislation 0117-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee; Appointing Delegate Members from the Budget and Finance Committee to the Navajo Transitional Energy Company, LLC as a Member Representative; the Diné Development Corporation as a Shareholder Representative; the Navajo Times Publishing Company as a Shareholder Representative; the Navajo Community Development Financial Institution as a Shareholder Representative; and to the Navajo Nation Oil and Gas Corporation as a Shareholder Representative

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning May 30, 2023

Legislation 0116-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee; Approving and Establishing the Committee’s Priorities for the Four-Year Term of the 25th Navajo Nation Council

Legislation 0115-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CAP-13-23, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Shaandiin Parrish’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Chilchinbeto, Dennehotso, Kayenta), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Legislation 0114-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development Committee and the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Establishing the Naabik’íyáti’ Reservation Roads Task Force

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning May 29, 2023

Legislation 0113-23

An Action Relating to Resources and Development Committee, Certifying Becenti Chapter’s Community-Based Land Use Plan which has Reevaluated and Readjusted Becenti Chapter’s 2018 Community-Based Land Use Plan

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning May 25, 2023

Legislation 0112-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Danny Simpson’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Becenti, Lake Valley, Nahodishgish, Standing Rock, Whiterock, Huerfano, Nageezi, Crownpoint)

Legislation 0111-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Lomardo Aseret’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Klagetoh, Wide Ruins, Houck, Lupton, Nahata Dziil)

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning May 23, 2023

Legislation 0110-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CAP-09-23 and CD-61-22, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Vince R. James’ Delegate Region (Chapters: Jeddito, Cornfields, Ganado, Kinlichee, Steamboat), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Legislation 0109-23

An Action Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services Committee: Supporting the To’Hajiilee Community School Board of Education, INC., A P.L. 100-297 Grant School, in the Planning, Designing, and in All Construction Phases of a New To’Hajiilee Community School Campus

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning May 22, 2023

Legislation 0108-23

An Act Relating to the Law & Order, Health, Education, and Human Services, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving Amendments to the Navajo Nation Veterans Trust Fund at 12 N.N.C §1171- §1178

Legislation 0107-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Approving Certain Amendments to the Plan of Operation for the Office of the President and Vice-President, Relating to the Executive Protection Services Program

Legislation 0106-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development Committee; Concurring to the Appointment of Tom Ranger to Serve on the Management Board of the Navajo Nation Hospitality Enterprise

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning May 18, 2023

Legislation 0105-23

An Action Relating to Health, Education and Human Services Committee; Approving and Adopting the Navajo Department of Health, Division of Behavioral and Mental Health Services, Naloxone Administration and Training Policy

Legislation 0104-23

The Act Relating to the Law and Order and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and the Navajo Nation Council; Amending the Sex Offenders Registration and Notification Act in Title 17 of the Navajo Nation Code

Legislation 0103-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CAP-11-23, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Steven R. Arviso’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Churchrock, Iyanbito, Mariano Lake, Pinedale, Smith Lake, Thoreau), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Legislation 0102-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CAP-10-23, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Helena Nez Begay’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Coppermine, K’aibii’to, LeChee, Tonalea/Red Lake, Bodaway/Gap), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning May 17, 2023

Legislation 0101-23

An Action Relating to Naabik’íyáti Committee; Establishing the 25th Navajo Nation Council Naabik’íyáti Title Two Reform Subcommittee

Legislation 0100-23

An Action Relating to Health, Education and Human Services Committee; Amending the Plan of Operation for Cognia Navajo Nation

Legislation 0099-23

An Action Relating to Law and Order Committee; Appointing Delegate Members from the Law and Order Committee to the Navajo Transitional Energy Company, LLC as a Member Representative; the Dine Development Corporation as a Shareholder Representative; the Navajo Times Publishing Company as a Shareholder Representative; the Navajo Community Development Financial Institution as a Shareholder Representative; and to the Navajo Nation Oil and Gas Corporation as a Shareholder Representative

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning May 09, 2023

Legislation 0098-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $2,695,476 from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance (“UUFB”) for Various Programs Under the Executive and Legislative Branches, to Cover Their Expenses for the Remainder of FY2023; Waiving 12 N.N.C. § 820(E), § 820(F), § 820(J), and § 820(L) to Allow Use of UUFB Funds for Recurring Expenses

Legislation 0097-23

An Action Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services Committee and the Budget and Finance Committees; Approving the Title IV-E Fund Management Plan for the Navajo Nation Division of Social Services

Legislation 0096-23

An Action Relating to an Emergency and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $1,000,000 from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance for Emergency Response Operations and Equipment to Support the Current State of Emergency, Declared in Resolution CEM 23-01-19

Legislation 0095-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development, and Budget and Finance Committees; Approving a Change to CAP-35-18 Exhibit D for the Ts’ah Bii Kin Chapter by Deleting Remaining Funds from the Chapter’s Solid Waste Transfer Station Project in Funding Year 3 and Adding the Funds to House Wiring Projects in Year 3

Legislation 0094-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Brenda Jesus’ Delegate Region (Chapters: Oak Springs, St. Michaels)

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning May 07, 2023

Legislation 0093-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Confirming the Appointment of Ms.Sharron Warren to the Commission on Navajo Government Development for a Term of Four (4) Years as the Fort Defiance Agency Council Representative

Legislation 0092-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Confirming the Speaker of the 25th Navajo Nation Council’s Appointments to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee’s Gaming Subcommittee

Legislation 0091-23

An Action Relating to Resources and Development Committee; Approving a Resources and Development Committee Member to the Nominations Committee of the Navajo Housing Authority Board of Commissioners

APRIL 2023

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning May 04, 2023

Legislation 0090-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee; Approving Amendments to the Navajo Nation’s Fiscal Recovery Fund Application Procedures and Forms, as Approved in BFS-31-21

Legislation 0089-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Appointing Delegate Members from the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee to the Navajo Transitional Energy Company, LLC as a Member Representative; the Dine Development Corporation as a Shareholder Representative; the Navajo Times Publishing Company as a Shareholder Representative; the Navajo Community Development Financial Institution as a Shareholder Representative; and to the Navajo Nation Oil and Gas Corporation as a Shareholder Representative

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning May 02, 2023

Legislation 0088-23

An Action Relating to Resources and Development; Approving the Grant of Right-of-Way to Continental Divide Electric Cooperative, INC., for the Thoreau Well Distribution Line with Optic Cable Project Located on Navajo Nation Trust Lands in Thoreau Chapter Vicinity (McKinley County, New Mexico)

Legislation 0087-23

An Action Relating to Resources and Development; Amending RDCMY-08-22 by Approving a Waiver of Bond, Insurance, or Alternative Form of Security to Continental Divide Electric Cooperative, INC

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning April 27, 2023

Legislation 0086-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Removing the Speaker of the 25th Navajo Nation Council; Selecting a Speaker for the 25th Navajo Nation Council

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning April 26, 2023

Legislation 0085-23

An Action Relating to Resources and Development and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees; Approving the Appointment by the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee of Select Members of the 25th Navajo Nation Council to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee’s Negotiation Subcommittee for the Completion of the Navajo Indian Irrigation Project

Legislation 0084-23

An Action Relating to Law and Order and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees; Supporting the Navajo Nation Division of Public Safety Window Rock Judicial/Public Safety Facility Relocation to Fort Defiance, Arizona.

Legislation 0083-23

An Action Relating to Health, Education and Human Services Committee; Amending the Navajo Nation Personnel Polices Manual Section IV.K.5; Approving the Navajo Nation to Hire Employees on a Provisional Basis While Background Checks are Pending

Legislation 0082-23

An Action Relating to The Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Curtis Yanito’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Mexican Water, To’likan, Tee Nos Pos, Aneth, Red Mesa)


Emergency Legislation - Not Subject to 5 Day Public Comment Period

Legislation 0081-23

An Action Relating to an Emergency for the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $3,879,180 from the Síhasin Fund for a New Navajo Nation Modular Office Building in Crownpoint; Approving the Related Expenditure Plan


Eligible for Committee Action Beginning April 25, 2023

Legislation 0080-23

An Action Relating to the Budget & Finance Committee, The Naabik’íyáti Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving a Moratorium on all Future Allocations from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance (“UUFB”), the Síhasin Fund, and Permanent Fund Income

Legislation 0079-23

An Act Relating to Law and Order, Health, Education and Human Services, and Naabik’íyáti Committees, and the Navajo Nation Council; Amending 2 N.N.C. § 403, Meeting Day for the Health, Education and Human Services Committee

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning April 24, 2023

Legislation 0078-23

An Action Relating to Law and Order Committee; Approving and Allocation of One Million Seven Hundred Nine Thousand and Two Hundred Seventy Dollars ($1,709,270) from the Judicial/Public Safety Fund, to the Navajo Department of Corrections, for Projects Management Services to Continue Planning, Design, and Construction of New Judicial Public Safety Centers

Emergency Legislation - Not Subject to 5 Day Public Comment Period

Legislation 0077-23

An Action Relating to an Emergency and the Navajo Nation Council; Opposing the Confirmation of Secretary-Designee, James R. Mountain to the New Mexico Indian Affairs Department

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning April 20, 2023

Legislation 0076-23

An Action Relating to Resources and Development and Naabik’íyáti Committees; Rescinding Resolution NABIJA-05-20 “Opposing H.R. 2181 and S. 1079, ‘The Chaco Heritage Area Protection Act of 2019’, Until Such Time as the Buffer Zone Surrounding Chaco Cultural National Historical Park is Reduced to Five (5) Miles;” Opposing the Withdrawal of Approximately 351,000 Acres of Public Land Surrounding Chaco Canyon

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning April 13, 2023

Legislation 0075-23

An Act Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee; Approving Certain Amendments to the Navajo Nation Procurement Rules and Regulations Adopted in BFD-192-03, to Allow for Micro-Purchases of $10,000 or Less, to Clarify the Definitions of “Goods” and “Services” and to Approve Other Revisions

Legislation 0074-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee; Ratifying an Amendment to the Investment Manager Agreement Between the Navajo Nation and Westwood Management Corporation, Providing Small and Medium Capitalization Equity Strategy Investment Services for the Navajo Nation Permanent Fund

Legislation 0073-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee; Ratifying an Amendment to the Investment Manager Agreement Between the Navajo Nation and Westwood Management Corporation, Providing Small and Medium Capitalization Equity Strategy Investment Services for the Retirement Fund of the Navajo Nation and Participating Affiliates

Legislation 0072-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee; Rescinding BFJA-04-20 to Allow the Office of the Controller to Establish its own Internal Procedures

Legislation 0071-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development Committee; Confirming the Appointments of Amber Hillis Parker to the Navajo Engineering and Construction Authority Board of Directors

Legislation 0070-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development Committee; Confirming the Appointment of Stephanie A. Arthur to the Navajo Engineering and Construction Authority Board of Directors

Legislation 0069-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development Committee; Confirming the Appointment of Kim Kanuho to the Navajo Engineering and Construction Authority Board of Directors

Legislation 0068-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Herman Daniels, Jr.’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Tsah Bii Kin, Navajo Mountain, Shonto, Oljato)

Legislation 0067-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Nathan Notah’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Coyote Canyon, Mexican Springs, Naschitti, Tohatchi, Bahastl’a’a’)

Legislation 0066-23

An Action Relating to Health, Education and Human Services Committee; Appointing Delegate Members from the Health, Education and Human Services Committee to the Navajo Transitional Energy Company, LLC as a Member Representative; the Diné Development Corporation as a Shareholder Representative; the Navajo Times Publishing Company as Shareholder Representative; the Navajo Community Development Financial Institution as a Shareholder Representative; and to the Navajo Nation Oil and Gas Corporation as a Shareholder Representative

Legislation 0065-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CD-68-22 and the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Andy Nez, PH.D’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Crystal, Fort Defiance, Red Lake, Sawmill)

Legislation 0064-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Shaandiin Parrish’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Chilchinbeto, Dennehotso, Kayenta)

Legislation 0063-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development Committee; Appointing Delegate Members from the Resources and Development Committee to the Navajo Transitional Energy Company, LLC as a Member Representative; the Diné Development Corporation as a Shareholder Representative; the Navajo Times Publishing Company as Shareholder Representative; the Navajo Community Development Financial Institution as a Shareholder Representative; and to the Navajo Nation Oil and Gas Corporation as a Shareholder Representative

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning April 11, 2023

Legislation 0062-23

An Action Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees and to the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $1,573,288 from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance to the Division of Social Services for a Grant to St. Michaels Association for Special Education

Legislation 0061-23

An Action Relating to Resources and Development Committee, Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Confirming Wilder Mike Halona as Navajo Nation Division of Natural Resources Executive Director

Legislation 0060-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance, Health, Education and Human Services, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $863,570 from the Síhasin Fund to the Office of Diné Youth to Cover a Funding Shortfall for the Crownpoint Youth Complex; Approving the Related Expenditure Plan

Legislation 0059-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance, Resources and Development, Health, Education and Human Services, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and the Navajo Nation Council; Amending CAP-39-18 to Extend the Síhasin Funds Reversion Deadline for Navajo Technical University’s Crownpoint Campus Student Housing Expenditure Plan

Legislation 0058-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance, Resources and Development, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $3,879,180 from the Síhasin Fund for a New Navajo Nation Modular Office Building in Crownpoint; Approving the Related Expenditure Plan

Legislation 0057-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance, Resources and Development, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $9,845,000 from the Síhasin Fund to the Eastern RBDO for the Crownpoint Hotel and Conference Center Project; Approving the Related Expenditure Plan

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning April 10, 2023

Legislation 0056-23

An Action Relating to Budget and Finance, Health, Education and Human Services, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Use of Title IV-E Funds by the Navajo Division of Social Services

Legislation 0055-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees and the Navajo Nation Council; Confirming the Appointment of Stephen B. Etsitty as Executive Director of the Navajo Nation Environmental Protection Agency

Legislation 0054-23

An Action Relating to Law and Order and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees and the Navajo Nation Council; Amending 2 N.N.C. § 852 to Increase the Navajo-Hopi Land Commission Membership to add Representation for the Chilchinbeto Community

Legislation 0053-23

An Action Relating to Law and Order and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees and the Navajo Nation Council; Enacting the “Navajo Nation Victim’s Rights Act of 2023 “; Amending Title 17 of the Navajo Nation Code

Legislation 0052-23

An Act Relating to the Law and Order, Resources and Development, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees and the Navajo Nation Council; Amending 2 N.N.C. § 104 and 11 N.N.C. § 8(B) to Prohibit Council Delegates from Serving as Board Members and Shareholder Representatives for Navajo Nation-Owned Instrumentalities

Legislation 0051-23

An Act Relating to the Law and Order, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and the Navajo Nation Council; Rescinding CJA-01-18 Relating to Agreements Not Requiring Navajo Nation Council or Committee Approval, to Provide for Transparency and Accountability

Legislation 0050-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance, Resources and Development, Health, Education and Human Services, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $2,000,000 from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance (“UUFB”) for the 110 Chapters’ Summer 2023 Youth Employment Programs; Waiving 12 N.N.C. § 820(E), § 820(F), § 820(J), and § 820(L) to Allow Use of UUFB Funds for Recurring Chapter Expenses

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning April 09, 2023

Legislation 0049-23

An Action Relating to Law and Order and Naabik’íyáti Committees and the Navajo Nation Council; Confirming the Appointment of Ethel B. Branch as the Navajo Nation Attorney General

MARCH 2023

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning April 06, 2023

Legislation 0048-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development, and Naabik’íyáti Committees and the Navajo Nation Council; Confirming the Appointment of Calvin Castillo as Division Director for the Navajo Nation Division of Community Development

Legislation 0047-23

An Action Relating to Resources and Economic Development and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees; Confirming the Appointment of Tico Charlee as the Executive Director for the Office of Navajo Telecommunications Regulatory Commission

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning April 05, 2023

Legislation 0046-23

An Action Relating to Resources and Development Committee; Approving a Reallocation of $1,790,553.82 in Cost Savings from Certain NTUA Powerline Projects in the Teec Nos Pos, Kinłichee, Klagetoh, Chiłchinbeto, and Wide Ruins Chapters, to New NTUA Projects, in Accordance with Section Four(B)(3) of CAP-35-18


Eligible for Committee Action Beginning April 04, 2023

Legislation 0045-23

An Action Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services, Law and Order, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees; Approving and Authorizing the Mutual Aid [Intergovernmental] Agreement Between the Navajo Nation Division of Public Safety, Navajo Police Department and the City of Page, Arizona

Legislation 0044-23

An Action Relating to Resources and Development; Naabik’íyáti’ Committees and the Navajo Nation Council; Adopting the Latest International Building Code (ICC’s 2021 International Building Code) as Applicable to Commercial and Government Buildings Constructed by the Navajo Nation Government and its Entities and Political Subdivisions

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning March 29, 2023

Legislation 0043-23

An Action Relating to Resources and Development; Approving the Assignment of Business Site Lease No. CH-97-104 from Lessee Sybil Y. Baldwin to Walter Baldwin

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning March 26, 2023

Legislation 0042-23

An Action Relating to Health, Education and Human Services Committee, Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and the Navajo Nation Council; Confirming the Appointment of Debbie Nez-Manuel as the Executive Director of the Division of Human Resources

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning March 22, 2023

Legislation 0041-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees; Affirming the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation Among the Navajo Nation, U.S. Department of Energy and Other Federal Agencies; Appointing 25th Navajo Nation Council Members to the Navajo Nation and Federal Agencies Collaborative Team for Economic Revitalization and Energy Transition

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning March 21, 2023

Legislation 0040-23

An Act Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee and the Navajo Nation Council; Confirming the Nominations of the Speaker of the Navajo Nation Council and the Navajo Nation President to the Eastern Navajo Land Commission

Legislation 0039-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee; Approving the Speaker’s Appointment of Navajo Nation Council Members to the Navajo-Hopi Land Commission

Legislation 0038-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee; Approving the Fiscal Year 2024 Fringe Benefit Rates for the Navajo Nation Retirement Plan

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning March 13, 2023

Legislation 0037-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Norman M. Begay’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Alamo, Ramah, Tohajiilee)

Legislation 0036-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Steven R. Arviso’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Churchrock, Iyanbito, Mariano Lake, Pinedale, Smith Lake, Thoreau)

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning March 12, 2023

Legislation 0035-23

An Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services Committee; Appointing Health, Education and Human Services Committee Members to the Direct Service Tribes Advisory Committee, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Tribal Technical Advisory Committee, and the Tribal Leaders Diabetes Committee

Legislation 0034-23

An Act Relating to the Resources and Development, Law and Order, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and to the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $1,500,000 from the HOT/Tourism Fund for the Navajo Tourism Department, Amending 24 N.N.C. § 741 to Allow Revenue in the HOT/Tourism Fund to be Used by All Navajo Nation Programs for Tourism-Related Purposes, and Rescinding Resolution No. CS-45-22

Legislation 0033-23

An Act Relating to Resources and Development, Health, Education and Human Services, Law and Order, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees and the Navajo Nation Council; Establishing the San Juan River Mitigation Fund; Directing that Monies Received from In Re: Gold King Mine Release in San Juan County, Colorado, on August 5, 2015, No. 1:18-md-02824 (D.N.M.) and Underlying and Related Actions be Deposited in the San Juan River Mitigation Fund After Reimbursement of Litigation Costs

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning March 09, 2023

Legislation 0032-23

An Action Relating to Law and Order Committee, Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council; Confirming the Appointment of Heather Clah as the Navajo Nation Deputy Attorney General

Legislation 0031-23

An Action Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and the Navajo Nation Council; Confirming the Appointment of Thomas Cody as the Executive Director of the Division of Social Services

Legislation 0030-23

An Action Relating to Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and the Navajo Nation Council; Confirming the Appointment of Justin Ahasteen as the Executive Director of the Navajo Nation Washington Office

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning March 08, 2023

Legislation 0029-23

An Action Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees; Reaffirming NABIN-70-18: Respectfully Requesting the United States Veteran Affairs Administration to Establish a Veterans Hospital and Create Personnel Positions to Address Housing and Benefits on the Navajo Nation for Navajo Nation Veterans

February 2023

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning March 06 , 2023

Legislation 0028-23

An Action Relating to the Law and Order, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees: Approving and Authorizing a Two (2) Year Extension to the Arizona Mutual Aid Compact

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning February 28, 2023

Legislation 0027-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees; Authorizing the Department of Fish and Wildlife to Submit a Contract Application to the USDOI/BIA Under P.L. 93-638 Subpart J for $3,000,015 in Funding for a Fish Hatchery Project

Legislation 0026-23

An Act Relating to the Law and Order, Health, Education and Human Services, Resources and Development, Budget and Finance and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and the Navajo Nation Council; Amending CAP-35-18, as Amended by CJA-03-21, to Extend Síhasin Funds Reversion Deadlines for all Projects to 72 Months

Legislation 0025-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Purchase of Property Offered for Sale to the Navajo Nation by the Owners of Goulding’s Monument Valley Lodge and Tours, Monument Valley, Utah; Approving the Expenditure of Fund Principal of the Land Acquisition Trust Fund to Purchase the Property; and Approving a Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning February 23, 2023

Legislation 0024-23

An Action Relating to the Budget & Finance Committee; Appointing the Chairperson of the Budget & Finance Committee as a Member of the Investment Committee

Legislation 0023-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee; Approving the Speaker’s Appointment of the Navajo Nation Council Members to the Navajo-Hopi Land Commission

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning February 22, 2023

Legislation 0022-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Helena Nez Begay’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Coppermine, K’aibii’to, Lechee, Tonalea/Red Lake, Bodaway/Gap)

Legislation 0021-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development and the Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and the Navajo Nation Council; Confirming the President’s Appointment of Garrett Silversmith as the Executive Director of the Navajo Division of Transportation

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning February 21, 2023

Legislation 0020-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Renewing the Navajo Nation’s Request to the U.S. Postal Service to Provide a Report to the Navajo Nation Regarding Mail Delivery and Other Postal Services Provided to Navajo Nation Chapters

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning February 16, 2023

Legislation 0019-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Germaine Simonson’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Hard Rock, Forest Lake, Pinon, Black Mesa, Whippoorwill)

Legislation 0018-23

An Action Relating to the Law and Order, Health, Education and Human Services, and Budget and Finance Committees; Amending BFD-49-22 to Implement the Correct Salary Schedule “BZ” for the Department of Criminal Investigations Civilian Employees

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning February 15, 2023

Legislation 0017-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CD-61-22, The Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Vince R. James’ Delegate Region (Chapters: Jeddito, Cornfields, Ganado, Kinlichee, Steamboat), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region

Legislation 0016-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Confirming the Appointment of Shawnevan Dale as Executive Director of the Division of General Services

Legislation 0015-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Supporting the Proposal to Amend the Constitution of New Mexico to Provide for the Creation of an Independent Redistricting Commission to Develop Redistricting Plans for Congressional Districts, State Legislative Districts and the Districts of Other Districted State Offices

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning February 09, 2023

Legislation 0014-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Casey Allen Johnson’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Cameron, Coalmine Canyon, Birdsprings, Leupp, Tolani Lake)

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning February 08, 2023

Legislation 0013-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees; Approving the Indirect Cost Rate and the Indirect Cost Agreement with the U.S. Department of Interior Cost Agreement with the U.S. Department of Interior/Interior Business Center, for Fiscal Year 2023


Legislation 0012-23

An Action Relating to an Emergency and the Navajo Nation Council; Opposing New Mexico House Bills No. 140 and No. 147 Relating to a Tribal Education Trust Fund and an Indian Education Trust Fund, and Urging Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham to Veto Both These Bills

Legislation 0011-23

An Action Relating to an Emergency and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $2,644,380 From the Síhasin Fund for the Division of Community Development to Purchase Emergency Vehicles and Equipment for the Ganado Fire District; Approving the Related Expenditure Plan

January 2023

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning February 06, 2023

Legislation 0010-23

An Action Relating to the Resources and Development, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and to the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $2,644,380 From the Síhasin Fund for the Division of Community Development to Purchase Emergency Vehicles and Equipment for the Ganado Fire District; Approving the Related Expenditure Plan

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning February 05, 2023

Legislatiion 0009-23

Confirming the Resources and Development Committee’s Selection of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson

Legislation 0008-23

An Action Relating to Law and Order; Confirming the Law and Order Committee’s Selection of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson

Legislation 0007-23

An Action Relating to Health, Education and Human Services Committee; Confirming the Health, Education and Human Services Committee’s Selection of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson

Legislation 0006-23

An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee; Confirming the Budget and Finance Committee’s Selection of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson

Eligible for Committee Action Beginning February 02, 2023

Legislation 0005-23

An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and the Navajo Nation Council; Confirming the Speaker’s Appointment of Members to the Budget and Finance, Law and Order, Resources and Development, and Health, Education and Human Services Committees of the 25th Navajo Nation Council


Legislation 0004-23

An Action Relating to an Emergency and the Navajo Nation Council; Adopting for the Navajo Nation the 2023 Legislative Priorities of the Navajo Utah Commission, Supporting Certain Legislative Bills in the Utah Legislature, and Urging the State of Utah to Adopt the Same Priorities and Enact Such Bills into Law

Legislation 0003-23

An Action Relating to an Emergency and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $3,000,000 from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance (“UUFB”) for 110 Chapters’ Emergency Fund Accounts

Legislation 0002-23

An Action Relating to an Emergency and the Navajo Nation Council; Selecting and Confirming the Speaker of the 25th Navajo Nation Council

Legislation 0001-23

An Action Relating to an Emergency and the Navajo Nation Council; Selecting a Speaker Pro Tem to Perform Limited Duties from January 20 to January 23, 2023, or When the Navajo Nation Council Confirms a Speaker for the 25th Navajo Nation Council